unit 4 School life (原卷版)-【中職專(zhuān)用】高一英語(yǔ)同步單元檢測(cè)練習(xí)卷(高教版2021·基礎(chǔ)模塊1)

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-29  來(lái)源:  瀏覽次數(shù):285


        1.Lily practices__ piano after school every day.

        A. play a            B. playing           C. play the           D. playing the  

        2. I'm going out. I'll be back    an hour.

        A.at                B. on               C.in                 D.from

        3.Daddy, when will we go out to take a walk?

        -As soon as the rain_   .

        A. is stopping

        B. stopped

        C. will stop

        D. stops

        4.In summer, food will go bad quickly_    we put it into a fridge.


        B. unless

        C. as soon as  

        D. when 



        1.Lily practices__ piano after school every day.

        A. play a            B. playing           C. play the           D. playing the  

        2. I'm going out. I'll be back    an hour.

        A.at                B. on               C.in                 D.from

        3.Daddy, when will we go out to take a walk?

        -As soon as the rain_   .

        A. is stopping

        B. stopped

        C. will stop

        D. stops

        4.In summer, food will go bad quickly_    we put it into a fridge.


        B. unless

        C. as soon as  

        D. when 



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